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Mrs Garnet

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Born into money Mrs Garnet married a wealthy Mr Garnet from their parents arranging it when they were younger. Although she thought he was quite handsome and they seemed to get along fine she was not one who liked to be forced into something that wasn't her idea. But after a while she decided that they were in fact made for each other and married him.

She is a very strong headed woman that does like her expensive lifestyle which sometimes gets her into trouble, all her expensive things need to be paid somehow , so Mr Garnet is always working and hardly at home, he tries to keep her happy with her precious material things. Only the best of the best for her.

Mrs Garnet can also be very persuasive she uses this quality to get into places only high society are invited to like the exclusive parties, dinners and balls. Somehow she seems to sneak her way in and nobody ever notices. She is definitely someone who seems to know everyone and everything.

Even though her parents were extremely well off they made sure their children worked, they had to have a job and keep it for a few years before they could have their inheritance granted to them. Her parents said it was to build character and show them that money doesn't come from nothing and not everything in life is easy.

Garnet hated this she was not shy of a bit of work but if she could avoid it she would and did. She managed to work in a top end retail company where she quickly talked her way up to a managers position. This way all the people working under her did all the work while she did the bare minimum. And because she was liked by the owner and sweet talked her way through everything she breezed through the few years she needed until she got her inheritance money.

She made friends with certain customers quickly learning all she could about the people who she could use to climb up the social ladder. She may be lazy in certain things but she was extremely hard working when it came to getting what she wanted and manipulation, and she didn't care how she got what she needed.

Getting her invite to the STT Mansion was the chance she needed to become part of the elite, would she get what she needed? Or would she not let anything get in her way?

Key Traits

Ends up getting what she wants

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